Email. The outdated older cousin of the website. Or is it? When many of us think about email, we remember it as one of the first internet-related technologies we experienced. It’s been around forever, it seems. Isn’t it outdated by now? Don’t people hate receiving it? Aren’t our inboxes overflowing with junk mail? Actually, no. […]
Ages ago, in the dark ages of the internet, it was confusing, complicated, and expensive to have a website created for your business. Unless you were nerdy enough to make one yourself — or had access to a nerdy and generous friend or relative — it was a daunting process. Times have changed. Well, sort […]
In the online marketing world, there are several essential tools. You need a website, for example, and social media is essential too. An unsung hero of the things you’ll use to market your business online — something you might not anticipate needing — is a tool for lead generation. To understand what this kind of tool is […]
I’ve noticed that small businesses often use a personal profile to do business on Facebook. Sometimes, I think this happens because the owner starts to talk about their business on Facebook using their own personal account. Little by little, they start using it more and more for business purposes and less and less for personal […]
Here’s a question many business owners struggle with: Do you have to hire a pro to build your website, or is it OK to DIY? If you’d asked me this question a few years ago, I would have sent you straight to a qualified professional. Don’t pass Go. In fact, as a young marketing-professional-slash-web-developer, clients […]
I don’t understand it. I can’t afford it. I don’t have time. Those are the things I hear again and again from business owners thinking about creating space for their businesses online. And I get it. It’s a big deal — there are a lot of steps to finish, and many of them are confusing. But […]
It’s hard to know where to start when thinking about creating an online presence for your company. Even if you get along well with technology, it can be overwhelming. If technology intimidates you, the thought of getting your business online can be paralyzing. I believe that it’s difficult is because there are so many decisions […]